Academician Competitive



1 R vs. Richardson is a leading case on—

(A)   Relevancy of facts

(B)   Expert evidence

(C)    Dumb witness

(D)   Dying declaration

Ans: (A)

2 The IEA defines the term ‘relevancy’—

(A)   Section 3, Para 1

(B)   Section 3, Para 2

(C)    Section 3, Para 3

(D)   Not defined

Ans: (D) [The IEA does not define the term ‘relevancy’ rather Section 3, Para (3) defines ‘relevant’.

3 Mark incorrect statements—

(A)   Relevancy is question of law and can be raised at any time

(B)   Relevancy is question of fact

(C)    ‘Relevant fact’ is a fact which has a certain degree of probative force.  

(D)   All correct

Ans: (B)

4 One fact is said to be relevant to another when the one is connected with another or others in any of the ways referred to under—

(A)   Chapter 2 (Sections 5-55) of the IEA

(B)   Chapter 2 (Sections 6-54) of the IEA

(C)    Chapter 2 (Sections 5-56) of the IEA

(D)   Chapter 2 (Sections 5-53) of the IEA

Ans: (A)

5 Mark correct statements—

(A)   Relevant facts are also facts in issues

(B)   Relevant facts are not themselves issues rather relevant facts are facts so connected with each other as to prove

(C)    Relevant facts are not themselves issues rather relevant facts are facts so connected with each other as to prove or disprove the facts in issue.

(D)   All correct

Ans: (C)

6 Mark incorrect statement as to facts-in-issues—

(A)   Facts-in-issues are facts which involve the right, liability or disability of the parties to the suit

(B)   Facts-in-issues are those facts through which the probability or improbability of the right, liability or disability is proved or disproved

(C)    Fact in issue is necessary ingredient  of a right or liability

(D)   All correct

Ans: (B) [It is relevant facts and not fact-in-issue through which the probability or improbability of the right, liability or disability is proved or disproved]

7 Mark incorrect statement as to relevant facts—

(A)   Relevant facts are those facts through which the probability or improbability of the right, liability or disability is proved

(B)   A relevant fact is not necessary ingredient of right or liability

(C)    Relevant fact also called principal fact or factum probandum

(D)   All correct

Ans: (C) [A relevant fact is called the evidentiary fact or factum probans.]

8 Fact in issue is also known as –

(A)   Principal fact

(B)   Factum probandum

(C)    Both (A) & (B)

(D)   Evidentiary fact

Ans: (C)

9 Relevant fact is also known as –

(A)   Evidentiary fact

(B)   Factum probans

(C)    Principal fact

(D)   Both (A) & (B)

Ans: (D)

10 The term “document” is defined under—

(A)   Section 3, Para 2

(B)   Section 3, Para 5

(C)    Section 3, Para 4

(D)   Section 3, Para 6

Ans: (B)

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