Academician Competitive Editor's Picks



1 The Constituent Assembly was constituted under the India Independence Act 1947—

(A)      True

(B)      False

(C)      Partly true

(D)      Partly False

Ans: (A)

2 Mark incorrect statements—The Constituent Assembly as constituted under the Indian Independence Act, 1947 was—

(A)       The sovereign Constitution making body

(B)       The dominion Constitution making body

(C)       The supreme Legislature of the country

(D)       All correct

Ans: (B)

3 On 24th January, 1950 how many copies of the Indian Constitution were laid on the table of the House—

(A)      One copy

(B)      Two copies

(C)      Three copies

(D)      Four copies

Ans: (C) [Out of three copies, one copy was in English completely hand written and illuminated by artists. The second was in print in English and the third hand written in Hindi]

4 In terms of Article 3, the territories of India shall comprise –

(A)      The territories of the States

(B)      The Union territories specified in the First Schedule

(C)      Such other territories as may be acquired

(D)      All correct

Ans: (D) [See Art.1(3)]

5 Which of the Articles empowers the Parliament to form a new State by separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States or parts of States or by uniting any territory to a part of any State or to increase/ diminish the area of any State  or to alter the name/ boundaries of any State—

(A)      Art.2

(B)       Art.3

(C)       Art.4

(D)       None

Ans: (B)

6 Mark incorrect statements as to Article 3—

(A)      For the purpose of Article 3, the term “State” includes Union territories

(B)      Law may be made by simple majority

(C)      Law may be made by special majority and ratification.

(D)      All correct

Ans: (C) [See Explanation (I) to Art.3]

7 Mark correct statements as to Article 3—

(A)      No Bill shall be introduced in either House of Parliament without the recommendation of the Governor with endorsement of President

(B)      No Bill shall be introduced in either House of Parliament without the recommendation of the President

(C)      Where the proposal contained in the Bill affects the area, boundaries, name of any of the State the President shall refer the Bill to the Legislature of the concerned State (not the Union Territories) for expressing its views within the period as specified by the President

(D)      All correct

Ans: (A) [See Provision to Art.3]

8 No Bill shall be introduced in either House of Parliament without the recommendation of the President—

(A)       True

(B)       Partly true

(C)       False

(D)       Partly false

Ans: (A) [See Provision to Art.3]

9 Any laws made by the Parliament under Articles 2 and 3—

(A)      shall be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution

(B)      shall be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution for the purposes of Article 368

(C)      shall not be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution

(D)      shall not be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution for the purposes of article 368

Ans: (D)

10 Any laws made by the Parliament under Articles 2 and 3 shall not be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution for the purposes of Article 368. It is so provided under

(A)       Article 2

(B)       Article 3

(C)       Article 4 (1)

(D)       Article 4 (2)

Ans: (D)

* Typographical error, if any, is inadvertent.
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