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Judicial Services Exam—Indian Constitution

Judicial Services ExamIndian Constitution

MCQs on Amendments of Indian Constitution


1 Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the amendment of the Constitution—

(A)    Part XVII

(B)    Part XVIII

(C)    Part XX

(D)    Part XXI

Ans: (C)

2 Clauses (5) & (6) to Article 368 that tended to dilute the doctrine of basic structure were inserted by Constitutional Amendment—

(A)    17th Amendment

(B)    24th Amendment

(C)    42nd Amendment

(D)    44th Amendment

Ans: (C)

3 The 9th Schedule was added in the Indian Constitution through—

(A)   1st Amendment

(B)   2nd Amendment

(C)   4th Amendment

(D)  5th Amendment

Ans: (A)

4 In the 9th Schedule of the Indian Constitution, how many Acts were included by the 1st Amendment itself that has now grown almost to 284 Acts—

(A)    2 Acts

(B)     10 Acts

(C)     12 Acts

(D)    13 Acts

Ans: (D)

5 Vide which Constitutional Amendment, the voting age was reduced from 21 years to 18 years—

(A)    42nd Amendment

(B)    44th Amendment

(C)    61st Amendment

(D)    65th Amendment

Ans: (C)

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