Competitive Indian Penal Code

Judicial Services Exam— Important Points on IPC, 1860

Judicial Services ExamImportant Points on Indian Penal Code, 1860

Sl. Contents
1 The preamble of the IPC is—To provide a general Penal Code for India
2 Total Sections in IPC are ?—511 Sections
3 Total chapters in IPC are—21 Chapters
4 Whether a Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in respect of a charge on which he has power only to commit for trial to another Court, is a judge—not a Judge [See Illustration to Section 19]
5 Movable property under IPC defined under Section?—Section 22 [The words “movable property” are intended to include corporeal property of every description, except (i) land and (ii) things attached to the earth or (iii) permanently fastened to anything which is attached to the earth]
6 The term “Fraudulently” has been defined under Section—Section 25
7 Kinds of punishments are given under Section—Section 53
8 Originally, there were ___kinds of punishment under IPC. Now, there are___kinds of punishment—6; 5 [Section 53]
9 Under which of the Sections of the IPC, the appropriate Government may commute the punishment for any other punishment provided under IPC—Section 54
10 While commuting the sentence by the appropriate government, whether consent of the offender is required?—No. [Section 54]
11 In every case in which sentence of imprisonment for life shall have been passed, the appropriate Government may, without the consent, commute the punishment for imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding— Fourteen years [Section 55]
12 The term for which the Court directs the offender to be imprisoned in default of payment of a fine shall not exceed ______________ of the term of imprisonment which is the maximum fixed for the offence, if the offence be punishable with imprisonment as well as fine— 1/4th [Section 65]
13 When the offence is punishable with fine only, the nature of imprisonment which the court imposes in default of payment of fine shall be—Simple imprisonment [Section 67]
14 Maximum limit of solitary confinement to be?—Three months [Section 73]
15 A is at work with a hatchet; the head flies off and kills a man who is standing by. Here, if there was no want of proper caution on the part of A, his act is excusable and not an offence and he has protection under Section—Section 80
16 Nothing is an offence which is done by a child (doli incapex) under_____ of age?—7 years [Section 82]
17 For defence of intoxication, to escape criminal liability, the intoxication—administered against his will or knowledge [Section 85]
18 The offence of abatement has been dealt with under Chapter—Chapter V
19 For unlawful assembly the number of persons must be—Five or more [Section141]
20 Rioting is defined under Section—Section 146
21 Section 195-A (threatening any person to give false evidence) is punishable with— imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with both.
22 Keeping lottery office is a punishable offence under Section—Section 294A
23 Whether preparation to commit murder is punishable—Not punishable
24 Which Section of IPC has been declared unconstitutional but still exist academically in IPC—Section 303 [Murder by life -convict]
25 An injury not sufficient to cause in the ordinary course of business death but the said injury was inflicted with the knowledge that that it is likely to cause death is punishable under—Section 304 Part II of IPC
26 A hurt becomes grievous hurt, if the suffer is in severe bodily pain or is unable to follow the ordinary pursuits for ______days?—20 days  [Section320]
27 Preparation to commit dacoity is punishable offence under Section—Section 399
28 The nature of imprisonment for preparation to commit dacoity is—Rigorous imprisonment upto 10 years and fine both. [Section 399]
29 The offence “cheating” is defined under Section—Section 415
30 For an offence of cheating, the intention to cheat should be present—From very beginning
Prepared by team LegalMines. Typographical error, if any, is inadvertent.


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