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Sources of Indian Constitution

Sources of Indian Constitution

Our Indian Constitution has been inspired from the then constitutions across the world and accordingly the relevant provisions/ aspects/ concepts as suitable to the Indian political/ administrative/ judicial set-up have been given preferences in Indian Constitution. The inspired provisions are as under-




1 Govt. of India Act, 1935 It is the main source (70%) of the Indian Constitution. Almost 200 Sections wholly or with partly modification included in the Constitution.
2 British Constitution –          Parliamentary system

–          Collective responsibility of Council of Ministers

–          Parliamentary privileges

–          Single citizenship

–          Rule of law

–          Constitutional status of President

3 U.S.A. Constitution –          Concept of federalism

–          Impeachment procedure of President.

–          Supremacy of Constitution

–          Provisions relating to Vice-President

–          Fundamental rights

–          Judicial review

–          Independent judiciary

4 Canada –          Federation with a strong centre

–          Residuary powers of Centre

5 Ireland –          Directive Principles of State Policy

–          Method of election of President

–          Nomination of members of Rajya Sabha on the ground of arts, science, literature, social services.

6 USSR Fundamental duties
7 France Idea of Republic
8 Germany Emergency and its effect on fundamental rights
9 Australia –          Concurrent list of 7th Schedule

–          Preamble

–          Distribution of powers between Centre and States

–          Trade, commerce and intercourse

10 Japan Procedure established by law
11 South Africa Constitutional amendments

Besides all these above incorporation, in many aspects Indian Constitution is completely new, e.g., universal adult suffrage, Panchayat, municipalities, co-operative societies.


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