
UPHJS Exam, 2019 (Pre)— One-liners on Transfer of Property Act, 1882

UPHJS Exam, 2019 (Pre)— One-liners on Transfer of Property Act, 1882

[The instant materials are horizontally inclusive and are uploaded with purpose to expand the same on daily/ regular basis (in the given format) to make the contents memorable and inquisitive in tune with the online classroom/ tutorial materials relevant for competitive examinations]

Sl. Contents
1.1 Before the TPA, 1882, the transfer of immovable properties in India was governed by the—principles of English law and equity
1.2 The Bill pertaining to TPA, 1882 was prepared not less than _______times before the final Bill was passed—seven times
2.1 The TPA does not define the term “transfer”—True [However, Section 2(v) of the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 defines property as: “property” means any property or assets of every description, whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible and includes deeds and instruments evidencing title to, or interest in, such property or assets, wherever located.
2.2 The “transfer of property” is defined under Section—Section 5
3.1 The term “Sale” is defined under Section—Section 54
3.2 Under which Section of the TPA, the Court has power to make provision for encumbrances and sale freed therefrom—Section 57
3.3 An appeal shall lie from any declaration, order, or direction under Section 57 as if—the same were a decree. [Section 57(d)]
4.1 The term “mortgage” has been defined under Section—Section 58(a)
4.2 A mortgage creates a right in rem in favour of—The creditor (mortgagee).
5.1 The term “rent” is defined under—Section 105
5.2 A lease reserving a yearly rent can be made—Only by a registered instrument [Section 107]
6.1 The term “exchange” as a mode of transfer is defined under—Section 118
6.2 A transfer of property through exchange can be made only in manner provided for the transfer of such property by—Sale [Section 118]
7.1 A gift comprising both existing and future property is –void as to latter [Section 124]
7.2 Universal done is defined under Section—Section 128
8.1 Actionable claim (AC) is an—unsecured money debt
8.2 Who can not be assignee/ transferee of Actionable Claim—Judge, Legal practitioner or Officer connected with any Court of Justice [Section 136]
Prepared by team LegalMines. Typographical error, if any, is inadvertent

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Team LegalMines

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1 Comment

  • Really helpful in developing confidence as to preliminary exams in such technical subjects touching one-liners from each i\of the chapters of the TPA. Please expand the information provided on regular basis to revise quickly and to memorize easily.

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