1 The Law of evidence is a —

(A)       Lex loci

(B)        Lex fori

(C)        The phrase lex fori means the law of the place of action

(D)       Both (B) & (C)

Ans: (D)

2 In civil matters standard of proof go by—

(A)       Probabilities

(B)        Certainty

(C)        Degree of proof is comparatively mild

(D)       Both (A) & (D)

Ans: (D)

3 Mark correct statement in respect of criminal matters—

(A)    In comparison to the civil matters, in criminal matters there must be more certainty and proof beyond reasonable doubt

(B)     In Criminal matter degree of proof is comparatively strict than the civil matters.

(C)     Both (A) & (D)

(D)    None

Ans: (C)

4 The IEA consists of total—

(A)       163 Sections

(B)        166 Sections

(C)        167 Sections

(D)       168 Sections


5 The IEA has of total—

(A)       10 Chapters and 3 Parts

(B)        11 Chapters and 3 Parts

(C)        12 Chapters and 4 Parts

(D)       13 Chapters and 5 Parts

Ans: (B)

6 Mark the correct statements as to Parts of the Indian Evidence Act —

(A)    Part I- Production and effect of evidence

(B)     Part II- Proof

(C)     Part III- Relevancy of facts

(D)    All correct

Ans: (B)

7 Mark the correct statements as to Parts of the Indian Evidence Act —

(A)    Part I- Relevancy of facts

(B)     Part II- Proof

(C)     Part III- Production and effect of evidence

(D)    All correct

Ans: (D)

8 Originally, the IEA had one Schedule. Currently total Schedules are—

(A)    1

(B)     2

(C)     3

(D)    None

Ans: (D)

9 The only Schedule of the IEA was repealed in the year—

(A)    1838

(B)     1938

(C)     1939

(D)    1940

Ans: (B)

10 Mark correct statements—

(A)       The IEA is exhaustive

(B)       It purports to contain all the rules of evidence.

(C)       However, some authors treat the evidence Act as non-exhaustive as it does not contain the whole of the rule of evidence.

(D)       All correct

Ans: (D)

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